Who Is A Hindu?
A true Hindu is one who has tasted the sweetness of freedom of
choice and is wiling to choose death before giving up his freedom.
Freedom of choice to follow a path is the basic human right and no
one shall tell him/her otherwise. Any Hindu who converts to Islam or
Christianity is giving up his rights and virtually giving himself
and his future generations to slavery.
A Hindu is one that believes in one God who incarnates, as and when
He feels fit, in the shape and form He wants. God creates, sustains
and destroys when time comes. Many names and forms are given to each
with the love and affection of each individual devotee. He has, can
and will send us as many prophets ( Only prophet ?), saints and
sons (only son?) and is fully capable of doing so. Our Dharma is
eternal, so is God and all the souls. It is our conviction that body
dies but not the soul. The old scriptures are a guide to salvation
and an individual can steadily make his way back to God in the speed
and path selected. Karma (deeds) and results of Karma are the basis
of our lives. Knowing that good karma will bring good results and
vice versa, our lives can be guided towards fruition of Salvation
termed as Moksha. Guru plays a very important part in molding our
lives and whilst the Holy book Gita can be accepted as Guru so can
the word of Guru Nanak. A Hindu may or may not agree to some of the
points above but he will willingly give his fellow human the right
to practice religion as and how the other sees fit.
Protect Hinduism and Hindu Causes
Hindus have been demeaned willfully by the Muslims and Christians
for a period of over thousand years. United we can bring an end to
it. We have been through a time when being a Hindu was considered a
lowly thing, not only from the Muslims and Christians but also
amongst ourselves. That mentality has to be gotten rid of as of
today. By making a protest, personally, by letters and via Email
together we can flood any individual, organizations and governments
with mails to listen to our causes, concerns, needs and views.
Motivate Hindu Pride
This basically links with the preceding paragraph. A Hindu can pride
himself in way more than one can imagine. Some highlights are, our
contribution in all fields for Human development from the very zero
itself to the understanding of the creation. Numerous data is
available to prove this beyond a speck of doubt.
Protest in unity against Anti-Hindu propaganda
Using the might of sword of simple protest and non-violent methods,
Mahatma Gandhi was able to give us the independence from the British
Government, which was the very epitome of power at the time. Times
have changed, he had no United Nations to go to and did not have the
internet to form a power beyond apprehension. Today we can sit on
our computers and send messages at the click of a finger and if the
messages are powerful enough and in substantial numbers the
achievements thus derived will keep our causes on the front burner.
Counter conversions
Conversions come in ways unknown to us. Christian Missionary's work
with the intention to convert. The base of aid in the way of
medicines, schools, universities and development are not for the
betterment of the population at large. The base of it all, the
purpose is conversion to Christianity.
The problem between India and Pakistan is not Kashmir, it is Islam
and the teachings of Koran, whereby the world has to be conquered by
all means to be converted to the path to Allah. If the case of all
the surrounding countries for India is not a clear example, than we
can term it suicidal spiritual blindness. Only one example will
suffice; Indonesia is today 87% Muslims. Examples of the
Philippines, Burma, and others are not any different. With the Islam
comes the teaching of Arabic and a total cultural revolution follows
without question. That would include hatred for all that the
population stood for before conversion. If India today is not going
to wake up. the country will be totally annihilated into little
parts. Parts of India are already clamoring for separation having
either Muslim or Christian majority. If for any reason, one thinks
America will not support the fight for separation in another state,
think twice. Examples of Kosova, Bosnia, Timor, Chechnya and still
to come another piece of Indonesia is about to fall to the same.
Both Christians and Muslims will never stop to think that if and
when a period comes when half the world is Islam and the rest
Christian, then...what ? They will be like the film Omen
whereby, it is brother against brother, on either shores etc..
Promote Hinduism around the globe
By being aware of what is going on in the world today from Hindu
point of view, we shall keep ourselves aware and ready to act in
cases of necessity. This will be the duty of all of us to be in
touch at this website, getting news from us, we shall get a lot of
information from you all around the world. This will be a joint
task. Webmaster cannot do it by himself nor does he expect to. With
a click from our end millions of us will be aware of a situation
anywhere in the world and act as seen fit.
Educate our children on basic Hindu beliefs
By reading the basics of Hinduism at this site one can instill this
very essential knowledge to our children who are sometimes totally
ignorant to the hidden agenda of our hard core enemies. If nothing
else make our children aware and give them the foundation that our
parents gave us and no one dare try convert us. The knowledge of
Shlokas, epics and the rest can be up to individuals and
Support fellow Hindu organizations and individuals
Too often have we heard that Hindus do not support Hindus and on the
contrary hinder the progress of his fellow Hindu This is the
remnants of the slave mentality left over from the 1000 year history
of being oppressed by Muslims and Christians. Let us wake up and
stand by our brothers and sisters.
Promote good-will and peace
In the new Millennium the name Hindu will be spoken with respect not
only due to the solid foundation that this website will bring about
but we shall be respected for our contribution to world in all
fields of development. Hindus are today making progress that all of
us are not aware of, the message board and chats at this site will
be a powerful tool to broadcast news instantly as it happens with
little effort. An instilled pride will make us better world citizens
and very well respected.